This module provides data structures and functions for working with the Bittensor network, including neuron and subnet information, SCALE encoding/decoding, and custom RPC type registry.
- bittensor.core.chain_data.axon_info
- bittensor.core.chain_data.delegate_info
- bittensor.core.chain_data.delegate_info_lite
- bittensor.core.chain_data.ip_info
- bittensor.core.chain_data.neuron_certificate
- bittensor.core.chain_data.neuron_info
- bittensor.core.chain_data.neuron_info_lite
- bittensor.core.chain_data.prometheus_info
- bittensor.core.chain_data.proposal_vote_data
- bittensor.core.chain_data.scheduled_coldkey_swap_info
- bittensor.core.chain_data.stake_info
- bittensor.core.chain_data.subnet_hyperparameters
- bittensor.core.chain_data.subnet_info
- bittensor.core.chain_data.utils
The AxonInfo class represents information about an axon endpoint in the bittensor network. This includes |
Dataclass for delegate information. For a lighter version of this class, see |
Dataclass for DelegateLiteInfo. This is a lighter version of :func: |
Dataclass representing IP information. |
Dataclass for neuron certificate. |
Represents the metadata of a neuron including keys, UID, stake, rankings, and other attributes. |
NeuronInfoLite is a dataclass representing neuron metadata without weights and bonds. |
Dataclass representing information related to Prometheus. |
This TypedDict represents the data structure for a proposal vote in the Senate. |
The ScheduledColdkeySwapInfo class is a dataclass representing information about scheduled cold key swaps. |
Dataclass for representing stake information linked to hotkey and coldkey pairs. |
This class represents the hyperparameters for a subnet. |
Dataclass for subnet info. |
Decodes an AccountId from bytes to a Base64 string using SS58 encoding. |
Processes stake data to decode account IDs and convert stakes from rao to Balance objects. |
Package Contents#
- class bittensor.core.chain_data.AxonInfo#
The AxonInfo class represents information about an axon endpoint in the bittensor network. This includes properties such as IP address, ports, and relevant keys.
- Variables:
version (int) – The version of the axon endpoint.
ip (str) – The IP address of the axon endpoint.
port (int) – The port number the axon endpoint uses.
ip_type (int) – The type of IP protocol (e.g., IPv4 or IPv6).
hotkey (str) – The hotkey associated with the axon endpoint.
coldkey (str) – The coldkey associated with the axon endpoint.
protocol (int) – The protocol version (default is 4).
placeholder1 (int) – Reserved field (default is 0).
placeholder2 (int) – Reserved field (default is 0).
- __repr__()#
- __str__()#
- classmethod from_neuron_info(neuron_info)#
Converts a dictionary to an AxonInfo object.
- classmethod from_parameter_dict(parameter_dict)#
Returns an axon_info object from a torch parameter_dict or a parameter dict.
- classmethod from_string(json_string)#
Creates an AxonInfo object from its string representation using JSON.
- Parameters:
json_string (str) – The JSON string representation of the AxonInfo object.
- Returns:
An instance of AxonInfo created from the JSON string. If decoding fails, returns a default AxonInfo object with default values.
- Return type:
- Raises:
json.JSONDecodeError – If there is an error in decoding the JSON string.
TypeError – If there is a type error when creating the AxonInfo object.
ValueError – If there is a value error when creating the AxonInfo object.
- to_parameter_dict()#
Returns a torch tensor or dict of the subnet info, depending on the USE_TORCH flag set.
- class bittensor.core.chain_data.DelegateInfo#
Dataclass for delegate information. For a lighter version of this class, see
.- Parameters:
hotkey_ss58 (str) – Hotkey of the delegate for which the information is being fetched.
total_stake (int) – Total stake of the delegate.
nominators (list[tuple[str, int]]) – List of nominators of the delegate and their stake.
take (float) – Take of the delegate as a percentage.
owner_ss58 (str) – Coldkey of the owner.
registrations (list[int]) – List of subnets that the delegate is registered on.
validator_permits (list[int]) – List of subnets that the delegate is allowed to validate on.
return_per_1000 (int) – Return per 1000 TAO, for the delegate over a day.
total_daily_return (int) – Total daily return of the delegate.
- classmethod from_vec_u8(vec_u8)#
- Parameters:
vec_u8 (bytes)
- Return type:
- nominators: list[tuple[str, bittensor.utils.balance.Balance]]#
- return_per_1000: bittensor.utils.balance.Balance#
- total_daily_return: bittensor.utils.balance.Balance#
- total_stake: bittensor.utils.balance.Balance#
- class bittensor.core.chain_data.DelegateInfoLite#
Dataclass for DelegateLiteInfo. This is a lighter version of :func:
.- Parameters:
delegate_ss58 (str) – Hotkey of the delegate for which the information is being fetched.
take (float) – Take of the delegate as a percentage.
nominators (int) – Count of the nominators of the delegate.
owner_ss58 (str) – Coldkey of the owner.
registrations (list[int]) – List of subnets that the delegate is registered on.
validator_permits (list[int]) – List of subnets that the delegate is allowed to validate on.
return_per_1000 (int) – Return per 1000 TAO, for the delegate over a day.
total_daily_return (int) – Total daily return of the delegate.
- class bittensor.core.chain_data.IPInfo#
Dataclass representing IP information.
- Variables:
- encode()#
Returns a dictionary of the IPInfo object that can be encoded.
- classmethod fix_decoded_values(decoded)#
Returns a SubnetInfo object from a decoded IPInfo dictionary.
- classmethod from_parameter_dict(parameter_dict)#
Creates a IPInfo instance from a parameter dictionary.
- classmethod from_vec_u8(vec_u8)#
Returns a IPInfo object from a
- classmethod list_from_vec_u8(vec_u8)#
Returns a list of IPInfo objects from a
- class bittensor.core.chain_data.NeuronCertificate#
Dataclass for neuron certificate.
- certificate: bittensor.utils.Certificate#
- class bittensor.core.chain_data.NeuronInfo#
Represents the metadata of a neuron including keys, UID, stake, rankings, and other attributes.
- Variables:
hotkey (str) – The hotkey associated with the neuron.
coldkey (str) – The coldkey associated with the neuron.
uid (int) – The unique identifier for the neuron.
netuid (int) – The network unique identifier for the neuron.
active (int) – The active status of the neuron.
stake (Balance) – The balance staked to this neuron.
stake_dict (dict[str, Balance]) – A dictionary mapping coldkey to the amount staked.
total_stake (Balance) – The total amount of stake.
rank (float) – The rank score of the neuron.
emission (float) – The emission rate.
incentive (float) – The incentive value.
consensus (float) – The consensus score.
trust (float) – The trust score.
validator_trust (float) – The validation trust score.
dividends (float) – The dividends value.
last_update (int) – The timestamp of the last update.
validator_permit (bool) – Validator permit status.
weights (list[list[int]]) – List of weights associated with the neuron.
bonds (list[list[int]]) – List of bonds associated with the neuron.
pruning_score (int) – The pruning score of the neuron.
prometheus_info (Optional[PrometheusInfo]) – Information related to Prometheus.
axon_info (Optional[AxonInfo]) – Information related to Axon.
is_null (bool) – Indicator if this is a null neuron.
- axon_info: bittensor.core.chain_data.axon_info.AxonInfo | None = None#
- classmethod from_vec_u8(vec_u8)#
Instantiates NeuronInfo from a byte vector.
- Parameters:
vec_u8 (bytes)
- Return type:
- classmethod from_weights_bonds_and_neuron_lite(neuron_lite, weights_as_dict, bonds_as_dict)#
Creates an instance of NeuronInfo from NeuronInfoLite and dictionaries of weights and bonds.
- Parameters:
neuron_lite (NeuronInfoLite) – A lite version of the neuron containing basic attributes.
weights_as_dict (dict[int, list[tuple[int, int]]]) – A dictionary where the key is the UID and the value is a list of weight tuples associated with the neuron.
bonds_as_dict (dict[int, list[tuple[int, int]]]) – A dictionary where the key is the UID and the value is a list of bond tuples associated with the neuron.
- Returns:
An instance of NeuronInfo populated with the provided weights and bonds.
- Return type:
- static get_null_neuron()#
Returns a null NeuronInfo instance.
- Return type:
- prometheus_info: bittensor.core.chain_data.prometheus_info.PrometheusInfo | None = None#
- stake_dict: dict[str, bittensor.utils.balance.Balance]#
- total_stake: bittensor.utils.balance.Balance#
- class bittensor.core.chain_data.NeuronInfoLite#
NeuronInfoLite is a dataclass representing neuron metadata without weights and bonds.
- Variables:
hotkey (str) – The hotkey string for the neuron.
coldkey (str) – The coldkey string for the neuron.
uid (int) – A unique identifier for the neuron.
netuid (int) – Network unique identifier for the neuron.
active (int) – Indicates whether the neuron is active.
stake (Balance) – The stake amount associated with the neuron.
stake_dict (dict) – Mapping of coldkey to the amount staked to this Neuron.
total_stake (Balance) – Total amount of the stake.
rank (float) – The rank of the neuron.
emission (float) – The emission value of the neuron.
incentive (float) – The incentive value of the neuron.
consensus (float) – The consensus value of the neuron.
trust (float) – Trust value of the neuron.
validator_trust (float) – Validator trust value of the neuron.
dividends (float) – Dividends associated with the neuron.
last_update (int) – Timestamp of the last update.
validator_permit (bool) – Indicates if the neuron has a validator permit.
prometheus_info (Optional[PrometheusInfo]) – Prometheus information associated with the neuron.
axon_info (Optional[AxonInfo]) – Axon information associated with the neuron.
pruning_score (int) – The pruning score of the neuron.
is_null (bool) – Indicates whether the neuron is null.
- get_null_neuron()#
Returns a NeuronInfoLite object representing a null neuron.
- Return type:
- list_from_vec_u8()#
Decodes a bytes object into a list of NeuronInfoLite instances.
- Parameters:
vec_u8 (bytes)
- Return type:
- axon_info: bittensor.core.chain_data.axon_info.AxonInfo | None#
- static get_null_neuron()#
Returns a null NeuronInfoLite instance.
- Return type:
- classmethod list_from_vec_u8(vec_u8)#
Decodes a bytes object into a list of NeuronInfoLite instances.
- Parameters:
vec_u8 (bytes) – The bytes object to decode into NeuronInfoLite instances.
- Returns:
A list of NeuronInfoLite instances decoded from the provided bytes object.
- Return type:
- prometheus_info: bittensor.core.chain_data.prometheus_info.PrometheusInfo | None#
- stake_dict: dict[str, bittensor.utils.balance.Balance]#
- total_stake: bittensor.utils.balance.Balance#
- class bittensor.core.chain_data.PrometheusInfo#
Dataclass representing information related to Prometheus.
- Variables:
- bittensor.core.chain_data.ProposalCallData#
- class bittensor.core.chain_data.ProposalVoteData#
This TypedDict represents the data structure for a proposal vote in the Senate.
- Variables:
Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.
- class bittensor.core.chain_data.ScheduledColdkeySwapInfo#
The ScheduledColdkeySwapInfo class is a dataclass representing information about scheduled cold key swaps.
- Variables:
- classmethod decode_account_id_list(vec_u8)#
Decodes a list of AccountIds from vec_u8.
- classmethod fix_decoded_values(decoded)#
Fixes the decoded values.
- Parameters:
decoded (Any)
- Return type:
- classmethod from_vec_u8(vec_u8)#
Returns a ScheduledColdkeySwapInfo object from a
.- Parameters:
- Return type:
- classmethod list_from_vec_u8(vec_u8)#
Returns a list of ScheduledColdkeySwapInfo objects from a
.- Parameters:
- Return type:
- class bittensor.core.chain_data.StakeInfo#
Dataclass for representing stake information linked to hotkey and coldkey pairs.
- Variables:
- classmethod fix_decoded_values(decoded)#
Fixes the decoded values.
- Parameters:
decoded (Any)
- Return type:
- classmethod from_vec_u8(vec_u8)#
Returns a StakeInfo object from a
- classmethod list_from_vec_u8(vec_u8)#
Returns a list of StakeInfo objects from a
- classmethod list_of_tuple_from_vec_u8(vec_u8)#
Returns a list of StakeInfo objects from a
- class bittensor.core.chain_data.SubnetHyperparameters#
This class represents the hyperparameters for a subnet.
- Variables:
rho (int) – The rate of decay of some value.
kappa (int) – A constant multiplier used in calculations.
immunity_period (int) – The period during which immunity is active.
min_allowed_weights (int) – Minimum allowed weights.
max_weight_limit (float) – Maximum weight limit.
tempo (int) – The tempo or rate of operation.
min_difficulty (int) – Minimum difficulty for some operations.
max_difficulty (int) – Maximum difficulty for some operations.
weights_version (int) – The version number of the weights used.
weights_rate_limit (int) – Rate limit for processing weights.
adjustment_interval (int) – Interval at which adjustments are made.
activity_cutoff (int) – Activity cutoff threshold.
registration_allowed (bool) – Indicates if registration is allowed.
target_regs_per_interval (int) – Target number of registrations per interval.
min_burn (int) – Minimum burn value.
max_burn (int) – Maximum burn value.
bonds_moving_avg (int) – Moving average of bonds.
max_regs_per_block (int) – Maximum number of registrations per block.
serving_rate_limit (int) – Limit on the rate of service.
max_validators (int) – Maximum number of validators.
adjustment_alpha (int) – Alpha value for adjustments.
difficulty (int) – Difficulty level.
commit_reveal_weights_interval (int) – Interval for commit-reveal weights.
commit_reveal_weights_enabled (bool) – Flag indicating if commit-reveal weights are enabled.
alpha_high (int) – High value of alpha.
alpha_low (int) – Low value of alpha.
liquid_alpha_enabled (bool) – Flag indicating if liquid alpha is enabled.
- classmethod from_vec_u8(vec_u8)#
Create a SubnetHyperparameters instance from a vector of bytes.
This method decodes the given vector of bytes using the bt_decode module and creates a new instance of SubnetHyperparameters with the decoded values.
- Parameters:
vec_u8 (bytes) – A vector of bytes to decode into SubnetHyperparameters.
- Returns:
An instance of SubnetHyperparameters if decoding is successful, None otherwise.
- Return type:
- class bittensor.core.chain_data.SubnetInfo#
Dataclass for subnet info.
- bittensor.core.chain_data.custom_rpc_type_registry#
- bittensor.core.chain_data.decode_account_id(account_id_bytes)#
Decodes an AccountId from bytes to a Base64 string using SS58 encoding.
- bittensor.core.chain_data.process_stake_data(stake_data)#
Processes stake data to decode account IDs and convert stakes from rao to Balance objects.